Urban INC Association, with registered office in Bucharest, CUI: 27031084, operator of the website www.urbaninc.org, declares that all personal data are collected and processed in accordance with the legal provisions on personal data protection (General Regulation on Personal Data Protection no. 679/2016 – GDPR; Law no. 190/2018).

The Urban INC Association uses the Google Forms platform, an online service provided by Google, to collect data from various respondents for the events it organizes.

What information does this policy give you?

  1. What types of personal data we process about you;
  2. How we use your data;
  3. Whether we disclose your data to anyone else;

What rights you have in relation to the data provided.

1. Processing of personal data

“Personal data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

1.1. What types of personal data we process about you

You can normally use this website without submitting any personal information to us. However, when you wish to take advantage of certain sections of the site (e.g. request public interest information, register for events, etc.) we need to collect certain information about you in order to provide you with the requested services. Thus, depending on the situation, personal data will be processed for the following purposes:

  • Obtaining the necessary information and contact details to register for events organised by Urban INC;
  • Carrying out communications via the e-mail address provided, communications of an administrative nature between the Organizer and respondents, whereby they are encouraged to express their opinions and provide information for various studies, events or newsletters.

1.2. Other purposes

We also process your data for the following purposes:

  • Communicating with you by e-mail, telephone, etc.;
  • Improving our services and systems based on our legitimate interest;
  • Ensuring the protection and security of our systems, detecting and preventing fraud, resolving various disputes, etc.

If you consent to the processing of certain types of data through cookies, we will process this data as described in the cookie notice.

1.3. Transfer of data to a third party

Urban Association INC does not transfer or disclose your personal information to third parties, except where such disclosures of data are necessary to provide you with the services requested. Where we are required to disclose your data, the disclosure is made on the basis of our legitimate interest to vendors engaged by us to help us carry out our business (e.g. companies that maintain the site).

We may also disclose your data to public authorities at their express request and if they have a lawful basis for receiving the information; we may also disclose data where required or permitted by law.

2. Data security and storage period

2.1. Data security

To prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have implemented technical and organisational measures designed to protect the information we collect online.

If we have given you (or you have chosen) a password that allows you to access certain parts of our site, you are responsible for keeping your password confidential.

Urban Association INC is committed to protecting personal information collected from you while using this website.

Urban Association INC has implemented a set of generally accepted security measures to protect personal information against loss, destruction, alteration, theft, etc. Despite these precautions, no security system is foolproof, so we cannot guarantee that unauthorized persons will not gain access to your personal information.

Furthermore, we require processors (people who process data on our behalf) / service providers (e.g. those who maintain the site) to demonstrate compliance of their systems with the GDPR.

2.2. Data storage period

We process and store your personal data:

  • for the period required by law;
  • one year for cookie consent or until consent is withdrawn.

Where we do not give you an exact period for processing and storing your personal data, we rely on the following principles:

  • We only store information for as long as we need it for the activities mentioned;
  • Our services are designed in such a way that we do not store your data for a longer period;
  • We always respect the deadlines required by legal provisions;
  • We assess security risks in relation to the use and storage of your data;

3. Your rights

3.1. Right to be informed – you have the right to be informed at the time of data collection;

3.2. Right of access – you have the right to obtain from us, upon request, information about the processing of your data;

3.3. Right to rectification – you have the right to request rectification of personal data. You can rectify the data at any time from the “My Account” section if you are registered.

3.4. Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”) – this right is not absolute and does not apply to those data that are necessary for us to fulfil legal obligations or to protect our legitimate interests.

3.5. Right to restrict processing – you can request that we temporarily restrict the data. You can ask us to restrict processing if:

  • You dispute the accuracy of the data;
  • The processing is unlawful and you request that the use of personal data is restricted instead of being deleted;
  • The data must be kept for the exercise or defence of your rights;

3.6. Right to object – you can object to the processing of personal data depending on your particular situation. For example, you can exercise this right by using the unsubscribe button within emails received from us;

3.7. Rights related to decision making and automatic profiling – Urban Association INC does not process data in this way.

4. Contact details

If you have any questions, suggestions or requests regarding this policy, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].